
January 24, 2015

Student-Created Anchor Charts with Reward Coupons for Big Kids

The process of integrating a Reading Workshop approach (a la Daily 5) with our new basal series has been interesting, challenging - and sort of fun too. Now, at the half year point, the concepts and skills are circling back for the second (and for some, a third) time.
To freshen things up, I've introduced my class to a new Rewards Coupon for Big Kids. It's called "Create Learning Poster For Wall" and it has been a hit! You only need a piece of chart paper and a set of markers.
Typically two kids choose this reward and the task is to make educational anchor charts to share and post. I give them the idea and they are expected to complete it in about 15 minutes. They share their poster and love it when I refer to it in class. This is a win-win. The kids are making learning concrete, and it brightens the room.
Main Idea and Key Details

Root Words

Student-created anchor charts do not always have the style I would choose, but the kids 'own' it and they love it. I'll add other student-created anchor charts using Rewards Coupon for Big Kids They make everyone happy.

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